Alpha Asia Pacific

The Marriage Course Experience 2016

The Marriage Course Experience 2016 or ‘TMCE2016’ happened last week from the 18th till 20th October at the beautiful Avani Sepang Gold Coast Resort and the experience was nothing short of AMAZING!

There were brief moments of thunderstorms but that did nothing to faze the 92 couples who came from all over the region to attend this retreat. It was an even bigger blessing to have the founders of the Marriage Course and co-authors of ‘The Marriage Book’- Nicky and Sila Lee facilitate the event.

The Marriage Course that started at Holy Trinity Brompton, London in 1996 was designed for married couples seeking to strengthen their relationship. The course offers a lifetime of practical ideas and tools to keep relationships strong. The Marriage Course is based on Christian principles but designed for all couples with or without a church background. 

The day before the marriage retreat at Avani Sepang saw 35 couples from the region – who also serve as leaders in their churches – undergo a training session with Nicky and Sila at the Alpha Asia Pacific Hub, located at the heart of beautiful Kuala Lumpur. The purpose was to equip these couples with tools on how best to conduct The Marriage Course to bless their local churches.

Through the course of a three-day intensive retreat, the 92 couples actively participated in a series of activities and discussions, aimed at renewing and strengthening the bonds of their marriage, all through the guidance of Nicky and Sila Lee.

Each session kicked off with a hearty meal, followed by a time of worship. Nicky and Sila then facilitated the sessions through a series of live talks and video presentations highlighting testimonies of couples whose marriages had been blessed by The Marriage Course. Couples then entered a private discussion with each other.

“Never stop dating your husband or wife. Invest more in your marriage than your wedding and success is inevitable”, Nicky & Sila Lee shared, reminding the couples in that the work of strengthening their marriage is an on-going and important one.

This may have been an intensive few days, but at the end of it, we were thrilled to hear that couples felt refreshed not only in their own marriages, but reinvigorated in their ministries as well­ – a real blessing indeed.

“We’ve been married two years. We wanted to invest by doing the Marriage Course and build the roof while it’s sunny” 
– Abel & Jacintha Cheah

“It’s not love that sustains our marriage, it’s marriage that sustains our love”

— Nicky & Sila Lee
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