This year, the Alpha Regional Gathering (ARG19) was held from 10th – 13th June 2019 at Holy Trinity Bukit Bintang (HTBB) in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. ARG19 was a big week for the Alpha Hub as it was a convergence of 3 events, bringing with it a multitude of guests and delegates from all around the world.
The 3 events that make up ARG19 are:
1. Leadership Conference 2019 (LC19)
2. Experiencing Alpha 2019 (EA19)
3. Transforming Parishes 2019 (TP19)
This year would mark the second Leadership Conference in Asia, the fifth Experiencing Alpha event, and the first Transforming Parishes programme for the Catholic church in the Asia Pacific region.
Leadership Conference 2019 (LC19) | 10th – 11th June

LC19 saw 1080 guests from 28 countries. World class teaching on Christian leadership was delivered via live talks and recorded video content from global leaders ranging from industries like business, insurance, church ministry, arts, and entertainment.
There were also focused workshops, seminars, and networking groups set up throughout the two days so delegates could experience opportunities for more in-depth learning and sharing from the speakers and with each other.

Quotes from LC19 delegates:
“It was rich with inspiring speakers sharing on all aspects of leadership and not just about the Church. The encouragement to hang in there through the tough times, the feeling of community and support with so many leaders from other countries, almost all the sessions moved me to tears and kindled the fire within me.”
“This was my first time at LC. So inspired and empowered to see and hear from so many successful marketplace leaders walking and serving faithfully in their calling for the glory of God and His Kingdom. My one key thing I am taking home from their success stories is, “Come Holy Spirit!”
“Leadership from the lens of Christ. Truly appreciate how most speakers expounded the Bible while making it so applicable in our day to day lives and in especially the workplace. I greatly appreciate those who have been transparent about their leadership journey (that it is not always a bed of roses).”
Experiencing Alpha 2019 (EA19) | 12th June

EA19 is an opportunity for church leaders to explore Alpha as a tool for evangelism and for them to be equipped and envisioned to use Alpha in their churches. This year, there were 618 delegates from 20 countries who attended EA19. The Experiencing Alpha gatherings are designed so that these leaders will have an opportunity to experience up-close what Alpha is like – from learning how the tool works, to observing behind-the-scenes preparations and the facilitating of an actual Alpha session.

Quotes from EA19 delegates:
“Alpha is a very strong tool for evangelism and church growth, especially the way it has been designed to be accessible and relevant for a wide age group. We experience youth going astray and broken families, we can play a role to use Alpha and shepherd them in. I’m encouraged to start Alpha as I have seen the transformation through the testimonies and stories shared, that has been powerful and encouraging for me.”
“The whole set up and the amazing hospitality of the team demonstrated to us a culture of invitation and generosity. I received so much through the lively atmosphere, the prayers and worship and well conducted sessions and explanation of the content especially learning so much from the session on 7 Best Practices for Alpha. We come away with evangelical passion and tools for it!”
Transforming Parishes 2019 (TP19) | 13th June 2019

193 delegates from 12 countries gathered at the first ever Transforming Parishes event. The objective of the gathering was to get participants to think about what a missionary church looks like and how they can steward and lead their churches toward that direction. We were privileged to have Father James Mallon as our keynote speaker, with his sessions titled, “The Missionary Option: Mission or Maintenance”, and “The Ten Myths About Leading Your Parishes From Maintenance To Mission”.

Quotes from TP19 delegates:
“It was very enriching to participate in TP. It makes me aware of the importance of transforming our parishes from maintaining to missional parish. I was inspired in reading the book “Divine Renovation” and even more encouraged to strive for parish missions with my parishioners together after hearing from Fr James Mallon. Thanks to the organising team, Alpha team and those who spread the Good News to us through this Program. God bless.”
I always felt like there is not much that can be done but Fr. James Mallon aroused in me new hope and the possibility of transforming my parish. Though this will be challenging but it will pave the way for meaningful life.”
To see more of what happened during the week, check out this video and the photos below.