
Before, during, after

We believe that as we each play our part in prayer, God will do immeasurably more with Alpha than we could possibly imagine.

‘The New Testament lays a greater stress on prayer than it does on the evangelisation of people. There is a deeper need to pray than there is even for people to be converted, and I don’t say that lightly, because there is a fierce need for conversion. But conversions won’t happen unless we are praying and the Bible says that from beginning to end.’ – Bishop Sandy Millar

‘The evangelisation of the world depends first on a revival of prayer.’  – Robert Speers

Prayer is vital to Alpha.  As we reach out to pre-believers and invite them to explore faith, it is critical to cover Alpha in prayers prior, during and after. Whenever we pray, God moves. We believe that as we each play our part in prayer, God will do immeasurably more with Alpha than we could possibly imagine.

Before Alpha

Gather hosts and teams for prayer once a week leading up to Alpha for invitations to be fruitful, guests to come, for all preparation and logistics, for the team, etc.

During Alpha

Gather hosts and teams for a short time of prayer and worship every week before guests arrive to pray for:

·       Guests to come

·       The speaker

·       A fruitful discussion time in groups

·       Most importantly, pray for the Holy Spirit to come and speak to people

Encourage all Alpha hosts to pray for the guests in their small groups daily by name.

During discussion time, encourage group helpers to pray silently while they listen.

After Alpha

The Prayer Course is a brilliant Alpha follow-up resource to help new Christians develop their relationship with God. Get the materials at

Building a culture of prayer is challenging and takes time. For more ways to develop your church’s prayer life, check out:


Your new Alpha Invitation is ready to share. Find out more here.

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