Alpha Asia Pacific

10 Questions with the Alpha Malaysia Youth team

We love the Alpha Malaysia Youth and Campus team! Dedicated, bubbly and full of joy, there’s never a dull moment with them around. 

How did you come to work for Alpha Malaysia? 

Wini: I started running Alpha for Youth in 2005. I saw what I had always wanted to see — people coming to know Jesus, assimilating into church, growing and becoming leaders. I’ve not stopped running Alpha since. 

Paul: I ran Alpha in my uni (USCI) then received an invitation to become an intern at Alpha Malaysia. I reluctantly joined because I’d always wanted to earn lots of money, and joining Alpha I knew I wouldn’t be able to do so. But when I was an intern I travelled round to different churches and youth groups all around Malaysia, and that was when God allowed me to see how effective Alpha can be and how relevant it is to young people, and I was hooked.

What is the most memorable moment in your ministry?

Wini: When an 8-year-old and a 9-year-old gave their lives to Jesus with lots of joy and excitement!

Charlotte: I think there will be more to come. But up till now, it’s when Wini joined the team. Everything has looked a lot brighter and better since then. (Hahaha. She’s my boss 😉

Paul: It was at an Alpha Weekend Away. I still remember one of my friends’ reactions; he was crying and smoking at the same time saying that he felt loved and he knew that the love he was experiencing was from God. 

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you want to take with you?

W: Toothpaste, a tent and a 25-novels-in-one-volume book. 

C: A satellite dish that would give me remote data connection, a fully charged phone and a few bottles of water. 

P: Mobile phone, data plan… that’s it I think.

If you could be anyone for the day who would you be and why? 

W: My dog. I have often wondered what goes on in her little head.

C: My grandmother. So I would have a day in heaven and know what heaven is like. 

If there was one piece of advice you could give to young people in our region, what would it be?

W: That they are not leaders of tomorrow; they are leaders NOW wherever they are. They can totally start making a difference today — by living with integrity, by being kind, by standing by people unjustly treated, by loving others through their actions and by telling others about God’s love for them. 

C: Continuously seek a deeper relationship with God and surround yourself with friends as you pursue Him. 

P: Just do it — not the wrong things! — but follow your dreams and passions, fulfil them, don’t overanalyse things, just do them. 

What is currently at the top of your playlist?

W: Dear Future Husband by Meghan Trainor. I wanted to pick something deeper and more meaningful but I decided to be honest instead.

C: Mad by Ne Yo.

P: Energy by Hillsong Young and Free. I love the line in the song: When you speak, dreams and realities collide.

Personal highlight of 2014?

W: The Alpha for Youth and Campus team — the staff and volunteers. Getting to work with them and hang out with them is definitely my highlight. 

C: I ran a marathon! So proud of myself.

P: I got myself a girlfriend!

Favourite joke?

W: This is hard. But here, have a lame one: Why did the chicken cross the road? It saw KFC ahead. 

C: Sushi A says to Sushi B: “Wassup B!” (Wasabi) Haha get it?

Favourite food?

W: Salmon sashimi and Cadbury milk chocolate with hazelnuts and soft cheeses and lamb chops… wait, did you just ask for one? Well, food. My favourite is food. 

C: Chocolate cookies with nuts (YUM).

P: Tom yum soup by a Thai lady near PGRM Taman Maluri. 

What is the thing you are most proud of?

W: My husband and son. To be able to be Tim’s wife and Matt’s mom is the thing I simply can’t believe I get the privilege to be. Love them so much. 

C: My Parents <3

P: For now, our upcoming Glow conference! 

Glow, the Alpha Youth and Campus Conference 2015, will be kicking off with a party followed by awesome sessions on Alpha and workshops for young people. Come, get inspired and be equipped to run and invite your friends to try Alpha! #Glow2015

“They are not leaders of tomorrow; they are leaders NOW wherever they are”

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