Executive Director's Note

“God is working in amazing ways in Asia and the time has come to accelerate and not hold back. I believe God is challenging us to dream bigger dreams – for great harvest! He will do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.”
2024 was a groundbreaking year of growth and innovation – we witnessed incredible possibilities unfold as God moved across the region with many lives and marriages transformed through Alpha! Praise be to God!
500,000 people in Asia had a chance to hear the gospel through Alpha in past year, through partnerships with over 13,000 churches, organisations, and individuals; to whom we are extremely grateful.
The Chinese Alpha Film Series (CAFS) continues to have its impact, reaching 632,453 participants across 26 countries since its launch in mid 2022. Further contextualisation was introduced, enabling CAFS to be translated and dubbed into Vietnamese and launched in 2024, where we saw great receptiveness to the product in new contexts. There’s nothing like hearing the gospel in peoples’ heart language and relevant cultural context, and the contextualisation work has made such a difference to these communities.
The Alpha Creative Hub in Kuala Lumpur has worked well, and we completed the new Alpha Youth Series in November 2024. The first Asian languages available in subtitles were Bahasa Indonesia, Thai, Tamil, and Korean; with Mandarin, Hindi, and Japanese translations now in the works. Launch events and roadshows in major cities have seen exciting kickstarts, as they brought thousands of youths together to preview the series and dive into the Alpha experience like never before.
It has been an absolute joy to hear the countless stories of healing, miracles, and lives transformed through Alpha. I hope you enjoy reading these amazing stories in this report as much as I did.
At the heart of Alpha’s ministry lies the local church. We see immense value in investing in the lives of church leaders across Asia, empowering the shepherds who tirelessly serve on the frontlines of ministry. The annual Alpha Regional Gathering, Transforming Parishes for Catholic Context, and The Global Marriage Course Experience, were monumental. We were honoured to host over 1,500 pastors; gathering them for times of prayer & worship, learning, equipping, and camaraderie as they shared not just their stories, but their lives too.
Your prayers, generosity, and unwavering support have made all this extraordinary work possible. Thank you.
Vinnie Tang
Executive Director
Alpha Asia Pacific
Impact by Numbers in 2024
Alpha Courses

Marriage & Parenting Courses

Annual Participants Growth

Annual Participants Growth

In 2024, we see sustained growth in the use of the Alpha contextualised series, making up ~50% of total courses.
Globally, the new Alpha Youth Series was launched in November 2024 in English with five Asian language subtitles.
Youth courses made up about ~20% of all courses, and set to grow with the brand new series being translated at pace.

Reaching the Nations

Our Vision & Mission
About Alpha
Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the Christian faith, where people from every background can explore their questions about life, faith and God in an open, friendly and informal way.
At Alpha we long to play our part in the evangelisation of the nations, revitalisation of the church, and the transformation of society.
Equip and serve the church in its mission to help people discover and develop a relationship with Jesus.
Your Partnership Made This Possible
Prayer is not just an add-on to Alpha; it is the lifeblood that sustains it. It is one of our seven best practices that make Alpha more than just a programme – it becomes a transformative encounter with God. Through prayer, we connect with God, discern His leading and follow in His plans and purposes for our lives.
Thank you for partnering with us in prayer.
“Prayer does not equip us for the greater work, prayer IS the greater work.”
Oswald Chambers
How we spent in 2024
Your generosity has enabled us to do so much more with the resources that God has entrusted us with.
All of Alpha Asia Pacific’s income comes from voluntary donations. We are so encouraged and thankful to God for our generous community of partners coming alongside us.
2024 Core Budget: £1.82M

Thanks to your prayers and your giving, 500,000 people across Asia had the opportunity to explore faith through Alpha in 2024.
Thank you. We could not have done this without your support.

Executive Director's Note

“God is working in amazing ways in Asia and the time has come to accelerate and not hold back. I believe God is challenging us to dream bigger dreams – for great harvest! He will do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.”
2024 was a groundbreaking year of growth and innovation – we witnessed incredible possibilities unfold as God moved across the region with many lives and marriages transformed through Alpha! Praise be to God!
500,000 people in Asia had a chance to hear the gospel through Alpha in past year, through partnerships with over 13,000 churches, organisations, and individuals; to whom we are extremely grateful.
The Chinese Alpha Film Series (CAFS) continues to have its impact, reaching 632,453 participants across 26 countries since its launch in mid 2022. Further contextualisation was introduced, enabling CAFS to be translated and dubbed into Vietnamese and launched in 2024, where we saw great receptiveness to the product in new contexts. There’s nothing like hearing the gospel in peoples’ heart language and relevant cultural context, and the contextualisation work has made such a difference to these communities.
The Alpha Creative Hub in Kuala Lumpur has worked well, and we completed the new Alpha Youth Series in November 2024. The first Asian languages available in subtitles were Bahasa Indonesia, Thai, Tamil, and Korean; with Mandarin, Hindi, and Japanese translations now in the works. Launch events and roadshows in major cities have seen exciting kickstarts, as they brought thousands of youths together to preview the series and dive into the Alpha experience like never before.
It has been an absolute joy to hear the countless stories of healing, miracles, and lives transformed through Alpha. I hope you enjoy reading these amazing stories in this report as much as I did.
At the heart of Alpha’s ministry lies the local church. We see immense value in investing in the lives of church leaders across Asia, empowering the shepherds who tirelessly serve on the frontlines of ministry. The annual Alpha Regional Gathering, Transforming Parishes for Catholic Context, and The Global Marriage Course Experience, were monumental. We were honoured to host over 1,500 pastors; gathering them for times of prayer & worship, learning, equipping, and camaraderie as they shared not just their stories, but their lives too.
Your prayers, generosity, and unwavering support have made all this extraordinary work possible. Thank you.
Vinnie Tang
Executive Director
Alpha Asia Pacific
Our Vision & Mission
About Alpha
Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the Christian faith, where people from every background can explore their questions about life, faith and God in an open, friendly and informal way.
At Alpha we long to play our part in the evangelisation of the nations, revitalisation of the church, and the transformation of society.
Equip and serve the church in its mission to help people discover and develop a relationship with Jesus.
Impact by Numbers in 2024
Alpha Courses

Marriage & Parenting Courses

Annual Participants Growth

In 2024, we see sustained growth in the use of the Alpha contextualised series, making up ~50% of total courses.
Globally, the new Alpha Youth Series was launched in November 2024 in English with five Asian language subtitles.
Youth courses made up about ~20% of all courses, and set to grow with the brand new series being translated at pace.

Reaching the Nations

Your Partnership Made This Possible
Prayer is not just an add-on to Alpha; it is the lifeblood that sustains it. It is one of our seven best practices that make Alpha more than just a programme – it becomes a transformative encounter with God. Through prayer, we connect with God, discern His leading and follow in His plans and purposes for our lives.
Thank you for partnering with us in prayer.
“Prayer does not equip us for the greater work, prayer IS the greater work.”
Oswald Chambers
How we spent in 2024
Your generosity has enabled us to do so much more with the resources that God has entrusted us with.
All of Alpha Asia Pacific’s income comes from voluntary donations. We are so encouraged and thankful to God for our generous community of partners coming alongside us.
2024 Core Budget: £1.82M

Thanks to your prayers and your giving, 500,000 people across Asia had the opportunity to explore faith through Alpha in 2024.
Thank you. We could not have done this without your support.
“What a huge harvest!
And how few the harvest hands.
So on your knees;
ask the God of the Harvest
to send harvest hands.”
Luke 10:2 (The Message)
Sparking a Movement
Transforming Parishes (TP24) and Alpha Regional Gathering (ARG24) were back-to-back events held in June 2024 to ignite a movement of leaders passionate about the church, worship & evangelism. Themed “Reimagine What’s Next for Youth, Leadership & Evangelism in Asia”, the event gathered over 1,250 pastors for a week-long immersive experience.
The Global Marriage Course Experience (TGMCE) 2024

310 Pastor-Spouse Couples reached
250 new Marriage Courses launched in 2024
The Global Marriage Course Experience (TGMCE) 2024 is a global online event that was designed to strengthen, enrich and invest into the marriages of pastor couples around the world. Over 263 couples from Asia Pacific completed the 8-week sessions in English, with another 47 couples attending the course in Mandarin.
Founders and presenters of The Marriage Course, Nicky & Sila Lee, conducted a special session for church leaders and spouses entitled “Marriage & Ministry.” This unique session is designed for couples in ministry leadership, to foster healthy family lives that will in turn grow healthy, dynamic churches.
The Marriage Course South East Asian Tour

Nicky & Sila Lee, founders of the Marriage Course visited five countries in a South East Asian tour to envision, train, and minister to pastor couples and leaders. This presented an opportunity to reach 2,300 participants in Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, and South Korea through conferences, meetings, meals, and a Christian national television broadcasting segment. These sessions opened doors to new churches and key partnerships in these five countries, some of which began their journey in adopting Alpha with open arms.
“In the men’s breakout session with Nicky, I’ve learnt the importance of being a good father to my children and a good husband to my wife. I can see that it is very lacking not just in my family but in Cambodia family culture. I’ve also learnt the importance of love in a family, and I am committed to attending The Marriage Course and applying it in my marriage.”
Participant from the Family Life Conference in Cambodia
Sparking a Movement
Alpha Regional Gathering 2024 (ARG24)

The Alpha Regional Gathering 2024 (ARG24) hosted close to 1,000 pastors, youth pastors and Alpha leaders from 19 countries across the region for a week of envisioning, worship and learning together. The gathering was held in Kuala Lumpur last June, with the theme of ‘Reimagine What’s Next for Youth, Leadership and Evangelism in Asia’. This served as a platform to inspire leaders with stories of what God is doing in the region, and envision them with the tool
and process of Alpha in an immersive week-long experience.
ARG24 was also the platform to get youth pastors in the region committed to running Alpha Youth together as we prepared for the launch of a new Alpha Youth Series later in the year.
Thank you for partnering with us in prayer.
Transforming Parishes 2024 (TP24)

In a special conference for clergy, leaders and educators within the Catholic Church, TP24 brings together worship, moments of prayer, inspiring speakers and the opportunity to connect with leaders from across the region.
Over 257 Catholic leaders were in attendance from across 14 countries, as we explored key topics such as “The Urgency of Evangelisation and The Need for an Inclusive Church” and “Exploring intergenerational ministry”. The gathering proved to be a valuable time for reflection and sharing ideas on mobilising leaders across generations and cultures.
Sparking a Movement
Transforming Parishes (TP24) and Alpha Regional Gathering (ARG24) were back-to-back events held in June 2024 to ignite a movement of leaders passionate about the church, worship & evangelism. Themed “Reimagine What’s Next for Youth, Leadership & Evangelism in Asia”, the event gathered over 1,250 pastors for a week-long immersive experience.
The Global Marriage Course Experience (TGMCE) 2024

310 Pastor-Spouse Couples reached
250 new Marriage Courses launched in 2024
The Global Marriage Course Experience (TGMCE) 2024 is a global online event that was designed to strengthen, enrich and invest into the marriages of pastor couples around the world. Over 263 couples from Asia Pacific completed the 8-week sessions in English, with another 47 couples attending the course in Mandarin.
Founders and presenters of The Marriage Course, Nicky & Sila Lee, conducted a special session for church leaders and spouses entitled “Marriage & Ministry.” This unique session is designed for couples in ministry leadership, to foster healthy family lives that will in turn grow healthy, dynamic churches.
The Marriage Course South East Asian Tour

Nicky & Sila Lee, founders of the Marriage Course visited five countries in a South East Asian tour to envision, train, and minister to pastor couples and leaders. This presented an opportunity to reach 2,300 participants in Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, and South Korea through conferences, meetings, meals, and a Christian national television broadcasting segment. These sessions opened doors to new churches and key partnerships in these five countries, some of which began their journey in adopting Alpha with open arms.
“In the men’s breakout session with Nicky, I’ve learnt the importance of being a good father to my children and a good husband to my wife. I can see that it is very lacking not just in my family but in Cambodia family culture. I’ve also learnt the importance of love in a family, and I am committed to attending The Marriage Course and applying it in my marriage.”
Participant from the Family Life Conference in Cambodia
Every Tongue, Every Tribe
The Alpha Creative Hub in Kuala Lumpur
The Alpha Creative Hub is a centre of excellence in creative content creation for Christian ministry.
Home to our film partners, Signal Flare, and Alpha’s Product, Globalisation & Contextualisation team, the Creative Hub delivered its first Alpha product—the new Alpha Youth Series. It will now embark on localising the series into over 50 global languages using the latest technology to achieve economies of scale.
Our dream is to be able to serve the nations with creative storytelling of the good news of Jesus, presented in every language, for every tongue and tribe.
NEW Alpha Youth Series
Made for this generation, the new series creatively unpacks the real questions young
people have.
The series, consisting of 10 episodes run over 8 weeks, introduces and explores the core ideas of the
Christian faith, in a relevant and engaging way.
Since November 2024, the Global series was launched
in English with subtitles across five Asian languages:
Bahasa Malaysia | Bahasa Indonesia | Thai | Tamil | Korean
Alpha Asian Contextualised Film Series
Riding on the success of the Chinese Alpha Film Series (CAFS), we further contextualised the series into Vietnamese,
adding in dubbing, subtitles and local footages to serve a new audience.
We will continue to measure and learn from the impact of our contextualisation projects,
to enable local teams, churches, denominational leads to bring cultural relevance and heritage into the way we tell the gospel.
Transformed Lives
Language Of The Heart
There’s nothing like hearing the gospel in your heart language.
Across Asia, more than 2,300 languages and dialects are spoken,
and many native speakers remain unreached today.
To date we have
288 contextualised / translated products
29 publications including books, journals and guides
The work has just begun!
Lives Transformed

Global Reach, Local Touch
Global Mission
Ever since the launch of the Chinese Alpha Film Series in 2022, we have seen an overwhelming openness across the globe for the course, extending beyond our geography to reach the ethnic Chinese diaspora around the world.
Since 2022, the CAFS has been run in 26 countries and reaching over 630,000 participants worldwide.
This has encouraged us to continue on our contextualisation journey to other Asian products, as well as sparked a heart for global missions, where Asia Pacific can serve the rest of the world in this way.
There is a spiritual revival among Chinese Christians worldwide, and we feel challenged to play our part in fanning into flame the gift of God in every believer—encouraging the Chinese community to embrace its crucial role in reaching 1.5 billion Chinese worldwide.
Chinese Alpha Film Series Courses in 2024

Multiplying Impact

Waymaker Church, a Chinese congregation in Seattle, launched its CAFS course in July 2024. Though 70 initially signed up, 120 guests showed up for the first session. Participation grew steadily, reaching 120 adults and 20 children. By the last episode on healing, the course grew to 150 people. Since then, the church has established regular Monday night prayer to sustain the fervour and has inspired other congregations overseas to start their own Alpha.
Growing Local Networks

Armed with a contextualised Alpha Film Series for Indonesia, Alpha Indonesia has trained over 16,000 people to run Alpha over 3 years. In 2024, 12 denominations signed Memorandums of Understanding to adopt Alpha through a process of mobilisation, introduction, training and equipping.

Following launches of the contextualised Alpha Film Series in Hindi & Tamil, 20,000 people were trained to run Alpha, and a further 40 volunteer coaches who joined the ‘DNA’ programme to learn about culture and leadership.
Through this programme, we hope to train, appoint and empower volunteer coaches across major cities to continue the work of equipping and envisioning churches with the tool of Alpha.
Alpha For Everyone
We feel called to a vision for everyone, everywhere to have the opportunity to hear the good news and develop a relationship with Jesus through Alpha.
Across Asia, Alphas are also being run in workplaces, in schools, with the elderly, in community centres and in prisons and online.
Anytime, anywhere.

“Every generation needs a revival”
We are passionate about raising leaders who embody our AUGHT values–
Audacity, Unity, Generosity, Humility and Tenacity.
Culture is caught and taught.
On the Horizon
As a regional centre, we serve the local Alpha offices and territories by providing:
- Strategic direction and leadership for regional ministry.
- Creating contextualised product and resources to equip local leaders for ministry.
- Shared services as a centre of excellence for Digital & Marketing, Human Resources, Fundraising, Finance, Impact Measurement and Governance.
- Financing, hosting and empowering regional and national initiatives.
From Vision to Impact: Our Growth Drivers for the Next 5 Years

Partner with Us
Thanks to your partnership, we can continue to play our part in bringing the best Alpha tools and trainings to
churches, organisations and individuals across Asia Pacific.
2025 Core Budget: £2.2M

We invite you to prayerfully consider continuing to support Alpha in 2025.
We love doing this work with you!
On the Horizon
As a regional centre, we serve the local Alpha offices and territories by providing:
- Strategic direction and leadership for regional ministry.
- Creating contextualised product and resources to equip local leaders for ministry.
- Shared services as a centre of excellence for Digital & Marketing, Human Resources, Fundraising, Finance, Impact Measurement and Governance.
- Financing, hosting and empowering regional and national initiatives.
From Vision to Impact: Our Growth Drivers for the Next 5 Years

Partner with Us
Thanks to your partnership, we can continue to play our part in bringing the best Alpha tools and trainings to
churches, organisations and individuals across Asia Pacific.
2025 Core Budget: £2.2M

We invite you to prayerfully consider continuing to support Alpha in 2025.
We love doing this work with you!