Our vision is for everyone, everywhere to have the opportunity to explore faith through Alpha by 2033.
This is a key moment in history. In a world more connected than ever before, Alpha is well placed to give everyone, everywhere the opportunity to discover Jesus in a way that is respectful, relevant, and rooted in community.
As we look forward to the 2000th anniversary of the resurrection, we hope to make exploring faith in Jesus as accessible as possible, so that millions more might encounter the love of God.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…
Matthew 28:19
An encounter with Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, brings hope, joy and purpose. It’s personal experience of this love that compels us to share the same opportunity with others. Alpha helps churches, organisations, and individuals to do this in a way that is honouring and kind.
The good news of Jesus has the power to transform neighbourhoods, cities, nations, and generations – all through the transformation of individual lives.
When we encounter God’s love, we are compelled to love. When we receive redemption, we practice forgiveness. When we experience freedom, we long to share it with others. Put simply, loved people love people – and we are infinitely loved.
We believe that everyone, everywhere should have the opportunity to discover Jesus for themselves in an open and pressure-free environment.
No one left out, no one left behind.
We are on the cusp of a new era – a kairos moment – for the church and for the world.
The world is more connected than ever
before but we are witnessing increasing insecurity, instability, and intolerance. Younger generations are facing uncertain futures and struggling to make sense of the complexity and complacency they see around them.
The church is facing new challenges too – for many churches, especially in the Global North, the challenges are of revitalisation and even survival. In the Global South, the more common question is how best to seize opportunities and realise new possibilities for a growing church.
We believe that this distinctive moment can see the gospel advance further and faster. We’ve identified global trends that have the potential to open the door to more people discovering the good news of Jesus over the next decade.
This is a
key moment
in history.

A technological revolution
The explosion of access to smart technologies, especially in the developing world, has led us to a point in history where it’s feasible for the good news to reach everyone, everywhere. Over the next decade, new technologies such as the metaverse and AI will revolutionise how we can connect and share the gospel with innovation and creativity.

A longing for real community
Advances in technology haven’t necessarily enabled us to feel truly connected. In the most developed countries, young people are the loneliest demographic. The pandemic saw a rise in mental health challenges, with the prevalence of depression and anxiety jumping by 25%.
There is a notable need for real connection and community.

A flow of people and ideas
Mass migration and urbanisation have continued to significantly alter the shape of nations. The number of global migrants more than doubled between 1990–2020. Between them, Africa and Asia will gain 150 new large cities by 2035. This movement of people increases exposure and openness to new ideas and possibilities.

A rising curiosity in young people
Research shows that upcoming generations are fundamentally open, with 59% of teens stating that they’re motivated to discover more about Jesus.
They are ready to listen and happy to share their own perspectives. They’re also ambitious to make a positive impact on the world. Young people are seeking purpose and hope.

At Alpha, we are responding to this kairos moment by accelerating our mission.
As we look ahead to 17 April 2033, which marks the anniversary of the resurrection, Alpha is well placed to help individuals, all around the world, explore faith and discover Jesus for themselves.
Our vision is to give everyone, everywhere the opportunity to discover Jesus in a way that is respectful, relevant, and rooted in community.
Through the church, we hope to see millions access the gospel in an open environment where they can bring their questions, share their thoughts, and hear from others. That’s the experience we want to share with every individual around the globe.
In collaboration with every part of the church, and in partnership with many global organisations, our hope that by 2033 everyone, everywhere will have had the opportunity to explore faith through Alpha.

We will play our part by
embracing the diversity of
cultures around the world.
We hope to make Alpha available to as many people as possible in their language and cultural context. We celebrate global diversity and we want to be culturally sensitive by not only accelerating the translation of our products, but also customising and contextualising them so that they speak to Alpha guests in a personal and powerful way.

We will play our part by
reaching young people
Upcoming generations are more open-minded when it comes to spirituality. At Alpha, the clear presentation of the gospel coupled with pressure-free, open-ended conversation is a format that’s well suited to engaging young people. By focusing on and investing in youth, we can play our part in transforming perceptions of the church and helping millions of young people to discover and develop a relationship with Jesus.

We will play our part by
innovating for the future
As the world moves forward at pace, we want to lead the way with innovation and creativity. We will reimagine our Alpha talks, which provide an introduction to the basics of the Christian faith, to inspire and engage people across generations, cultures, and platforms.
We will expand our digital offering in order to connect with people all around the globe, and we will continue to explore and utilise new technologies to help realise our vision.

We will play our part by
serving the local church
With national and regional offices all around the world, Alpha is committed to serving and equipping the global church in its mission to help people discover and develop a relationship with Jesus. In the decade ahead, our teams will continue to be dedicated to supporting churches at every stage of their journey with Alpha, so that they are well equipped and confident to welcome those in their neighbourhood to explore faith and experience real community through Alpha.

We will play our part by
uniting in prayer
This moment of opportunity for the church
can only be realised through a movement
of prayer and a dependence on the Holy Spirit. As we look forward to the anniversary of the resurrection, we are seeing Christians come together across borders, traditions, and denominations, with a vision to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the world.
Will you join us in prayer as we prepare and dream for a time when everyone in our world has the opportunity to encounter Jesus?
Our mission is to serve the church in its mission to help people discover and develop a relationship with Jesus.

What is Alpha? Why run Alpha? Download this booklet to learn more.

30 million people have experienced Alpha in the last 30 years, read more about the work we do in Asia-Pacific.

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